
Professional caster manufacturers

Classification of castor castor ( The universal casters)

by:Dajin caster     2020-04-02
Classification of castor castor ( The universal casters) Directional castor no rotating structure, cannot turn; The structure of the universal casters allowed to rotate 360 degrees ( As shown in the above) 。 According to the main application industry classification is divided into medical casters, industrial casters, supermarket casters, furniture casters, and so on. Medical truckle to adapt to the requirements of the hospital operation is light, flexible steering, elasticity, special ultra-quiet, abrasion resistance, winding and resistance to chemical corrosion and so on characteristics, special castor. Industrial casters is mainly refers to a caster wheel used in machinery factory or products, it can be advanced of imported reinforced nylon ( PA6) , super single wheel made of polyurethane, rubber, integral whole product has a high impact resistance and strength. Supermarket castor, in order to meet the need of supermarket shelves of mobile and flexible features convenient shopping cart needs and special research and development of castor. Mainly in order to meet the need of furniture furniture caster and low center of gravity, the needs of high load production of special castor. According to the material classification of castor mainly divided into super synthetic rubber casters, polyurethane casters, plastic castor, nylon casters, caster wheel steel, high temperature resistant type casters, rubber casters, S synthetic rubber casters caster wheel factory, Shanghai universal wheel, casters, wanxiang castor note: fengxian county ShenFeng plastic products factory is located in fengxian district hong temple town. This company specialized production began in 1995 engaged in injection molding caster
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