
Professional caster manufacturers

What problem should note material of polyurethane caster wheel bearing

by:Dajin caster     2020-04-30
Pu castor bearing selection should pay attention to what problem, during the period of using, want to often basic external premise of bearing operation monitoring, such as temperature, vibration and noise measurement, etc. The regular check to early detection of latent subject and will prevent unexpected machine suspended on the phenomenon, make production plan, the progress of factory production force and efficiency. In the process of operation, bearing requires accurate lubrication again, perfect its performance. The method of bearing lubrication, divided into grease lubrication and oil lubrication. In order to make the bearing a good cast performance, first of all, should choose to suit to use premise, purpose of lubrication method. If only consider lubrication and oil lubrication the lubricity of the upper hand. But there are grease lubrication can simplify the structure of bearing near specialty. Select material adequacy is still bearing failure analysis should consider factors. The main working principle is & other; Temperature throughout the &; 。 The processing technology of justice, improve the elder, not will also affect the bearing of life. Those in the early stages of the bearing running big department soon (grease Less than a minute) Is being squeezed out of raceway and the accumulation in bao followed the cycle of rolling element bearing grease at the same time, have a small amount of discharge. The temperature decrease and balance. In addition, in the process of bearing long-term operation, move and groove nearby on the contour and keep on the shelf to atrophy and grease base oil, cent gives a department flow into the race between, also has certain supplementary function for lubrication. Which affects the quality of finished products bearing heat treatment and grinding process, tend to have a more direct relationship with bearing failure. Pu castor bearing selection should pay attention to what problem, more news and information about pu castor please click: hynews / 191. html
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