
Professional caster manufacturers

At what temperature pu castor more convenient to use

by:Dajin caster     2020-05-01
At what temperature pu castor more convenient to use? In order to be able to calculate the bearing capacity of various casters need must know the weight of transport equipment, maximum load and the number of single wheel and castor used. A single wheel load capacity needed for the calculation is as follows: T = ( E+Z) 麦根; T = single wheel or castor the required load weight; E = weight of transportation equipment; Z = maximum load; M = the number of single wheel and castor used; Safety coefficient (N = About 1. 3 - 1. 5) 。 Castor often the more the more easy to promote, the greater the load capacity, but also can protect the ground intact, wheel diameter size first consideration should be given the choice of bearing and the weight of the load on the truck starting under thrust to decide. Pu castor technology in the continuous innovation, single wheel rotation, the more the greater the effort, roller bearings can carry heavier load, rotational resistance is larger; Single wheel installed on the high quality ball bearing can bear a heavy load, turn the lighter, flexible peace. Usually have nylon wheel casters, super polyurethane wheel, high-strength polyurethane wheel, high-strength artificial iron, iron wheel, support wheel. Super polyurethane wheels and high-strength polyurethane wheel in both indoor and outdoor ground, can meet the requirements of your handling; High strength synthetic lugs can be used in the hotel. Medical apparatus and instruments, floor. Wooden floor, ceramic tile ground walking requirements such as low noise quiet driving on the ground; Nylon wheel. Iron wheel which can be applied to uneven or there are materials such as scrap iron on the ground; While pep talk round applies to soft light load and road surface is not flat. Cold and high temperature occasion has much effect on the caster wheel, polyurethane wheels in the low temperature of 45 degrees below zero, rotating flexible, high temperature resistance at high temperature of 275 degrees turn light. At what temperature pu castor more convenient to use? More news and information about pu castor please click: hynews / 242. html
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