
Professional caster manufacturers

Castor antirust method

by:Dajin caster     2020-04-02
It not rust, castor castor antirust method is castor water cut too much. In addition, never use strong acid alkali chemicals, cleaning, casters, caster wheel steel easier than ordinary carbon steel to rust. If, after the castor get wet by water, need to clean with gasoline or kerosene, dry after cleaning, and then apply a layer of low viscosity on castor oil or special anti-rust oil. The anti-rust oil on the surface of the castor can form a layer of oil film, cut off the air and castor oil membrane contact, moistureproof effect, too. Evenly after the rust-proof of castor should use a thick plastic package, the package must be close to castor, sealed can't breathe freely to package. Outside the plastic packaging should also be a thicker layer of kraft paper with moistureproof and prevent the plastic damage after the collision. If there is no kraft paper, can use other materials instead of paper. Castor after contact with acid or alkaline substances, should perform the above maintenance steps in a timely manner. In castor need long-distance transportation, according to the above requirements packaging first, and then into carton packaging in transportation. It is necessary to ensure the castor sturdy and sealing of packaging. In the best cases and sealing function layer has a set of packing materials, such as snakeskin bag. Which can prevent handling the cartons damaged during and after the rain caused the castor be affected with damp be affected with damp. Caster, caster wheel factory, Shanghai universal wheel, universal casters
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