Universal wheel merchants with everyone talking about problems - castor wheel frame Industry information -
by:Dajin caster
Industrial casters 】
Universal wheel, adjust the feet, manufacturers universal wholesalers to tell you, we all know that the emergence of the castor brought a lot of convenience to our life, everyone in a wide range of application in addition to truckle must pay attention to the selection of quality products, also should pay attention to the choice with wheel frame.
Good for castor castor frame efficiency, service life is quite important, with everyone for clean some choose specific standards.
1, universal wheel wholesalers to tell you, choose a suitable wheel rack first consider bearing the weight of the castor, such as supermarkets, schools, hospitals, office buildings, hotels and other places, because the floor is good, smooth lighter, and handling of goods (
Each trundle bearing in 10 -
, suitable to select (with a thin plate
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Stamping wheel rack plating, the wheel frame is light, flexible operation, quiet and beautiful, the plating wheel frame in accordance with the ball bearing arrangement is divided into double row bead and single bead.
If often move or application of double row in the bead.
2, in the place such as factories and warehouses, cargo handling very frequently and heavier load (
Each trundle bearing in 280 - only
, chooses to suitable for thick plate (
5 -
Stamping hot forging and welding of double row ball wheel.
3, universal wheel wholesalers to tell you, if used for carrying heavy things such as textile factory, automobile factory, machinery factory and other places, because the charge big factories within walking distance,
Each trundle bearing in 350 - only
, therefore, should choose to thick steel plate,
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After cutting wheel frame, welding activities wheel rack flat ball bearing and ball bearing on the floor, make the castor can withstand the heavy loading, flexible rotation, impact resistance, etc.
Universal wheel wholesalers to tell you, good collocation castor wheel frame, so the best collocation can let castor application, you must remember not to attend in the operation.
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